Festival of Romance – A Romanical Quiz

Dear Festival Goers

By now you will know the Total E-Bound party is not taking place. This is sad news, but those broken hearts can be fixed and those pulses will beat again, as The Romaniacs invite you to their Romanical Quiz.

It will begin at 21:30, shortly after the Literary Dinner. You will not have to leave your dining chair as the quiz is coming to you – the cheese and biscuits of the evening, if you like.

We appreciate people have taken time to find the perfect outfits for what would have been an erotica party, and therefore encourage you to wear them. The Literary Dinner will look fantastic with romantic, historical and erotica characters at every table.

You will still receive your refund for the cancelled party.

Thank you.


1)      Maximum number in a team is six.

2)      No arguing over team names.

We look forward to seeing you.

10 thoughts on “Festival of Romance – A Romanical Quiz

  1. Ouch! It’ll be home time for me as I’m not staying Saturday night. Had I but known… Have fun, ladies, I’m sure it’ll be awesome. And well done you for stepping up to the plate and saving the day… or night, as the case may be!

    • Oh no!!!!! We should Skype it, so you still feel part of the evening. We will miss you [sobs onto question sheet]


      • *whispers* I can be undercover agent Nicky Wells, on a secure line, phoning in answers and vital pieces of information….. LOL! Would that be cheating? xx

  2. Carol – you will be very welcome in that fabulous sounding outfit! Sorry you won’t be there, Nicky, but feel free to dress up anyway… We can’t wait for this quiz xx

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